The tap water in the city I’ve moved to is perfectly safe but utterly disgusting tasting. It took me SEVEN YEARS of drinking it anyway, so as to spite the bottled water industrial complex, but now it tastes great! Everyone else thinks I’m nuts, but I know I’ve finally conquered Big Water 🙂

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i feel attacked by this edition. rn it's me and two white ladies in my row on this jetblue flight from orlando to boston we all have owala bottles in our seatbacks and i'm mad about it. i will text you a photo lol.

also, i don't think you can legally say "uptown" in boston. if you haven't ever seen the resistance to the newyorkifcation of boston, i hope this sentence and link serve as your gateway: https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2013/06/13/if-new-york-had-its-way-with-boston/.

also, my mom is a ranked bass fisher in florida. i don't believe you had a fishing vest. pics or it didn't happen.

also, "which they claimed made it safer and more sustainable." if this isn't the dark greenest shade i have ever seen...

also, i have been rocking stanleys since 2010 when i learned they did customization for free and i put quotes on them so i could subtly give messages to participants in workshops i facilitated by turning the correct side of my water bottle towards them. last time i checked they started charging for it and i'm real sad about it.

also, i meant to say this in the last newsletter but my friend jonathan runs these fixit clinics and is a huge proponent of the circular economy. i would be happy to make a connect to see if you think a convo with him is worth a newsletter mention or feature. lmk. also i am not emailing you about this which i think is against protocol. if you truly prefer an email, lmk and i will send one.

also also, i know you know this but you're very funny. i so love that your newsletter exists in the world.

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I'm a proud owner of a slightly dented, but still very functional 10 year old Klean Kanteen bottle. I still use it daily!

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I hate paying for water, like I would actively prefer someone slap me across the face than pay for water, and a friend recently turned me on to the MUJI water bottle:


which is kind of the perfect commuting container because, although it is plastic, it actually fits in a small purse. it's like a single glass of water so its kind of like a "pull in case of emergency" tab w/ enough water to get you through a movie or a long play!!!

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Love that the product page says "Water is not included in this product." Don't nobody wanna give us free water smh

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